Sacred Geometry and the Flower of Life
This sacred geometry primer covers an amazing variety of stimulating concepts associated with sacred geometry and the flower of life.
Incorporating the wisdom of philosophers and researchers and magicians, it presents a new perspective on at the mystical belief of the significance of the fundamental forms to uplifting the individual intellect and heart.
Lavishly illustrated, every single subject is artistically constructed, and a first reading simply savoring the imagery and designs will already inspire with essential foundation concepts. There is very little advanced mathematics required in any way, and a twelfth grade level of understanding is all that is required to comprehend the consummate insights into the structure of reality that are rendered uncomplicatedly available in this book.
The book opens with some history, and basic principles such as simplicity and the relevance of spheres. It then discusses the insights of Buckminster Fuller in regard to the precedence of trigonal forms to perceiving geometries of systems of all kinds. From there the matters explored are as diverse as earth science, culture, artistry, technological innovation, well being, psychology, archetypal symbols, higher dimensional geometry, and a lot more.
By visiting the web page you can read the entire book online as it is effectively provided in a digital flip book style. In case you want to hold the book in your hands then it is rather moderately priced at $24 including worldwide postage and handling.
We stand on the beginning of a modern century of technological wonders based on a better comprehension of the resonant character of the world, and simultaneously we recognise we could be about to obliterate life on Earth and all which we treasure. The polarity of probable destinies has not been this pronounced in humanity’s recollection. In a planet where a substantial part of the global population are occupied trying to get through one more day, we are blessed to possess time to think about greater things. During the writing of this booklet the author has inquired of himself numerous times just what he really believes about Sacred Geometry, and how this ancient tradition can be a force for imrpoving the situation here in this progressively more distressed world. What he conjured up in his brightest visions, is that sacred geometry will end up being the proverbial greatest thing since rock ‘n’ roll. That humanity might discover within it a secret to accelerating the evolution of the human heart and soul.