A.I. Co-Authors: Revolutionizing Your Self-Publishing Journey

“A.I. Co-Authors: Revolutionizing Your Self-Publishing Journey” provides essential insights for authors and publishers. This guide explores the rapidly evolving self-publishing landscape. It identifies emerging trends and offers actionable strategies to leverage them effectively. Authors will discover new tools that streamline the publishing process. Publishers will learn how to adapt to technological advancements. The book highlights […]

Personal Development Training – What’s In Identity Shifting For You?

Here’s a question for you… What’s in identity shifting for you? The answer is EVERYTHING! Before I get into the benefit of real Identity Shiftingâ„¢ for you , let me tell you a story and see if you can relate… There once was a child just like you, born with no clothes. From there the child’s […]

How Girls Test Guys

Whether you realize it or not… every time you interact with a girl… whether you just met her… or whether you’re in a blossoming relationship… the girl will constantly TEST you. This “testing†is part of the process of “creating attraction†that we men go through in the dating game. It comes with the package. […]

Why Personal Development Is Not A Soft Option-Your Real Identity

Motivation, diligence, willingness to learn and an amiable attitude towards others are all necessary in achieving personal development. Are you happy? Is your life filled with tranquility and joy? Do you savour each moment and bask in the glory of life? Or, are you frustrated, stressed and unhappy? Happiness is a state of mind and […]

Anxiety Attack Symptoms or The Way To Happiness

All is experienced as painful, even any happy times, and can’t feel love for family or show or feel real grief. People with acute anxiety disorder may have to be restrained, or hospitalized for their own safety or that of the community. And can gradually increase to a chronic state. In this case they would […]

Loving Self…Finally A site with no category alone…All categories Apply….

I know to expect a Website that offers everything to everyone, IMPOSSIBLE>Yet, POSSIBLE! and existing here!  No instructions necessary.  Individually touched and served.  You will know, even though the changes will be subtle, but Gloriously awareness will surface, and then you will know. I have spent over 65 years knowing the purpose of my existence.  […]

Power of the present moment

We so often place ourselves in the past or future and spend a lot of time thinking about these. Nothing wrong with this but when we dwell too much on the past and worry about the future, we rob ourselves of experiencing what’s in the present. So, let’s be present in the present moment, and […]

Competence is the real building block of self-confidence

Let’s obtain one point clear. There are all type of fake sorts of confidence out there. After all, the whole idea of devising up until you make it is in fact still preferred in the USA. A great deal of individuals are under the perception that as long as you look effective, that’s all that matters. Actual […]