Personal Development Training – What’s In Identity Shifting For You?

Here’s a question for you… What’s in identity shifting for you? The answer is EVERYTHING! Before I get into the benefit of real Identity Shiftingâ„¢ for you , let me tell you a story and see if you can relate… There once was a child just like you, born with no clothes. From there the child’s […]

Anxiety Attack Symptoms or The Way To Happiness

All is experienced as painful, even any happy times, and can’t feel love for family or show or feel real grief. People with acute anxiety disorder may have to be restrained, or hospitalized for their own safety or that of the community. And can gradually increase to a chronic state. In this case they would […]

Imagine – John Lennon Hymne à la paix

‘Imagine’ est un hymne intemporel qui appelle à la paix mondiale. Lancée en 1971, elle reste d’actualité dans le monde entier. Les paroles profondes nous incitent à envisager une humanité unie, sans convoitise, où règne l’harmonie. La composition épurée accompagne ce message puissant, créant une réflexion intense. ‘Imagine’ a marqué un large public, et continue […]