4 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Domain Names

So you’re ready to build a website, one of the very first steps is purchasing a domain.  However there’s a lot of options on the market to choose from. Nowadays you can Buy Domain names from a variety of website providers, domain registrars and web hosting companies. While either service will get the job done…many […]

What A “Domain Name” Means For Your Business

By: Kayla McDonald  At first glance, many houses may look identical on the same street. Someone new to that neighborhood  probably would mistake one home from the next. Similarly it’s just as easy for business owners to confuse the meaning of a domain and website – however they are quite different. While both are equally […]

8 Ingredients For A Solid Digital Marketing Mix

By: Kayla McDonald This post was created in an effort to help organizations understand the different areas necessary to run successful internet marketing campaigns. Social media is often the only marketing technique businesses consider to reach clients online. When actually, social media is just one of many ways marketing is done over the internet.  Effectively […]

7 Reasons to Hire A Marketing Consultant for a Small Business

By: Kayla McDonald  Hiring a marketing consultant is a good choice whether your organization needs support with social media, website design, or advertising. To help companies in creating a solid foundation for business growth,  Marketing professionals combine their business skills, such as strategic thinking and problem-solving, with technical expertise. They can help you develop a […]

Before you quit Social Media as a Business Owner

As a Business owner you’ve probably wondered if your social media efforts are worthwhile. Honestly there’s no reason to feel any guilt for questioning this. Especially during times of high inflation when, for most of us, Money is tight and Time is scarce.  ​ That’s why one of the main reasons I believe digital marketing […]