This flexibility is an important benefit as you can choose a conveniently time to put together and upload your information. If your article is written well, people can even republish the article (as long as they keep the information intact without altering it and quoting where they get the published article from). So, an increase in inbound links to your website helps your website appear higher in the search results, which is what you’re going for! Additionally, people may reach your website without even doing a Google search, by finding your article on a website and clicking the link in your resource box. When you’re submitting articles for article marketing, you will also include an author resource box, which has a brief author bio and a link back to your website

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Do not overlook trying a few longer resource boxes; say 4 to 5 sentences long. Most people who have tried to make a living online have heard of the power of article marketing, but some just think it’s too hard and don’t do it. An article, on the other hand, can take (for me) 20 minutes to write and another 10 to submit it. You can do this on the excellent Google Keyword Tool for free. Free Advertising
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That’s not really a good plan. For example, there are some successful article directories now that people submit their articles to primarily as a way to gain PageRank. Build your own blog

Advertising ideas for small business

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